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航空餐盒 巧克力铝箔纸 蛋挞铝箔托 布丁铝箔杯 耐高温烧烤铝箔 抽式铝箔 硅油纸 电话咨询 180****2900 手机浏览 纠错/管理
嘉兴环亚包装有限公司是一家集研究、开发、生产和销售为一体的环保材料制品专业制造企业。公司坐落于长三角洲嘉兴市,距上海8公里,杭州、宁波1小时车程,交通便利,区位优势明显。 我们遵守食品安全第一的原则,本着高要求、高品质的宗旨,以ISO22000食品安全管理体系和ISO14000环境管理系为基础,建造2个10万级无尘车间、微生物检测实验室,从原辅材料到包装全过程采用自动化生产线,确保产品高卫生、高品质、高效率,给食品包装业提供环保、优质、新型的高安全包装材料,为食品包装业的进一步发展做出应有的一份贡献。我们遵守互利互惠的原则,以诚信经营为宗旨,竭诚为广大新老客户服务,欢迎广大新老客户来电来函,共同建立长久的友好合作关系。 主导产品:铝箔容器、纸容器、航空专用铝箔餐具、烘焙铝箔/纸容器、铝箔/纸张印刷、耐高温烧烤铝箔、抽式铝箔、硅油纸、蜡纸等各类特殊铝箔/纸张制品。 Jiaxing Useful Packaging Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer which engages in the research, development, production and marketing of environmental materials’ products. Our company is located in the Yangtze River delta of Jiaxing city, and 8 kilometers away from Shanghai. Also there is only a one hour’s drive to Hangzhou and Ningbo which makes delivery and transportation very convenient. Our company follows the most important rules of food safety. And we insist in high demand and high quality. Therefore, we are based on the ISO22000 Food Safety Management System and ISO14000 Environment Management System to create two dust-free workshops of 100000 levels and a testing laboratory. Moreover, we have a complete set of automatic equipment, advanced technology and adopt an automatic aluminium foil production line to guarantee the high health, high quality and high efficiency. We are confident to make a contribution to the further development of food packaging. We always do our best to meet customers’ needs. In order to establish a long-term cooperation, we are looking forward to receiving the old and new customers’ calls and requests. Our main products are: aluminium foil container, paper container, aluminium airline container, aluminium foil/paper baking cup, aluminium foil/paper printing, heat resistant aluminium foil paper, suction type aluminium foil, silicon paper, stencil paper and something other different products.
  • 所在地区:浙江省嘉兴市嘉善县
  • 行业分类:餐饮业
  • 企业类型:有限责任公司
  • 注册资金:2600万人民币[RMB]
  • 经营方式:
  • 员工人数:101-200人
  • 地址:浙江省 嘉兴市 嘉善县 No.68 Zhenzhong East Road, Weitang Industry
  • 邮编:314100
  • 发布到我:
  • 视频简介
  • 平湖市蓝叶户外用品厂;


    所在地:浙江省嘉兴市经营范围:布制帐篷 野餐垫 桌椅 遮阳棚 折叠桌、椅
  • 杭州有家餐饮管理有限公司嘉兴分公司;


  • 嘉兴金小悦餐饮管理有限公司新文化广场分公司;


  • 嘉善诗韵装饰材料经营部;


    所在地:浙江省嘉兴市经营范围:瓷砖彩雕背景墙 瓷砖电视背景墙 瓷砖沙发背景墙 玄关背景墙
  • 嘉兴市月河纸业有限公司;


  • 我是采购商/买家



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